Reference Course

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What should I be practicing? How do I get from GOOD to GREAT? One of the best ways to decide what you should be doing with your practice time, is to learn how to answer the question “What is my biggest problem?”  This is not a question most of us are able (or willing) to ask ourselves––we really don’t want to hear the answer.  And even if we did, most of us wouldn’t know what to do with that information anyway.  It would most likely get tucked away, buried under a big pile of excuses.

This course provides invaluable learning techniques, essential practice tools and practical articles to help you identify the one thing that would have the most positive impact on your playing, if you could implement it today.  This is called your Game Changer.

It is intended that you keep the course materials and reuse them on your own in the future.  It is recommended that you go through this process at least once a year, but you might find it valuable to go through it as often as once a month or even once a week.  It depends on the pace of your improvement, your personal motivation level, and the playing level you aspire to reach.

This is a do-it-yourself type course so you can do the work at whatever pace works best for you. However, in order to have enough time to let new information sink in, we suggest that you complete each modules’s work within a reasonable time period.