Found Gems Ep 2
Babe Ruth didn’t hit a home run every at bat. Sometimes he hit a double . . . here are some album tracks by your favorite singer-songwriters. This is our second excursion into the deep end of the vinyl pool. You know these people, but not these songs. Fix that. Buy some music. Click on […]

Dusty Gems Ep 2
The second in our series of shows dedicated to lesser-known singer-songwriters. Take notes. (And show your work.) Admit it, you’ve never heard of most of these people. Buy some of their music and impress your friends. Click on the link to check out the songs from this show: Dusty Gems Show #2 Playlist

101 Series Lesson 2: Elvis Costello
Today’s lesson, students, is an angry man with an angry band. No pastels allowed at this show. All ass-kick, all the time. (We’re not sure you should be wearing that skinny tie, though.) The other Elvis . . . the one that didn’t eat fried peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. Be cool. Buy his records. […]

101 Series Lesson 1: Steve Earle
In the 101 Series we focus on the persons, places and things–the nouns of rock. We devote the entire episode to an artist, location, era, language or any other topic we decide to marginalize. Steve is Lesson 1 in the 101 Series. Click the link to check out the songs in the show: Steve Earle […]

X Chromosome Ep 1
We at the Balcony realize that the guitar is not an extension of the penis. As total feminists, we recognize that chicks rock, too. Seriously, don’t be a sexist. Buy some girl music. Click on the link to check out the songs in the show: X Chromosome Show Playlist

Soulville Ep 1
We don’t always need to rock. Every once in a while we let some guys with horn sections and pianos come in and kick your ass. Get some soul music in your life and listen to this. The first episode is all ladies (imagine the beehives). Click the link to check out the songs in […]

Songs From The Yard Ep 1
Roll on up to the islands with your friends at The Balcony . . . We love reggae so much we’ll give you two hours of it with no Bob Marley. In this show we play jams stanky enough to give you a contact high. Do yourself the favor of picking up some reggae. Click […]

Sock Rockin’ Beats Ep 1
Rock and or roll. We’ve got it. You need it. Here it is . . . loud enough to hurt your feelings. Get some loud ass music in your life. Click on the link and check out the songs from this show: Sock Rockin’ Beats Show Playlist

Off The Wall Ep 1
We have got vinyl. Tons of vinyl. Tons and tons of vinyl. (Listen closely for the pops and clicks.) Our first episode is all comedy. Comedy records . . . listen to what made your parents laugh. Click on the link to check out who we gave stage time to: Off The Wall Show Playlist

Long Song Silver Ep 1
Pay attention! Occasionally the rock starts need to go on . . . and on . . . and on . . . This is episode one of our series of songs over ten minutes long. Synchronize your bongs. Buy some ponderous music, get your money’s worth. Go on and click on the link to […]