101 Series Lesson 27: England Pt 2
Well, students, it’s time to complete our tour of merry England and begin our farewell to the land of Dickens, Black Sabbath, and Stonehenge. The final bus is about to pull out. Let’s hope it doesn’t start raining. This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England . . . this place to rock. Click […]

From The Board Ep 3
A good live recording can bring out the best in a band. We’ve selected some truly great performances from venues and studios coast to coast. We’ve searched high and low across the great electron and proton superhighway and filtered out the fat and cut to the bone. It’s live, it’s raw, it’s on stage, now […]

101 Series Lesson 27: England Pt. 1
Get your passports and travel itineraries together students. Time to board the 767 for the first part of our journey through the music of England. This is is our second two-parter and an entry in the “Where?” category of topics. It will be a multi-genre excursion and journey throughout the entire country. Prepare for boarding […]

Embryonic Ep 3
It’s time to go back . . . back . . . back. Back to the origin of a species. Back to the germ of new life. Back to the first note played by an acoustic guitar or piano that initiated the composition of a classic song. Well, with Episode 3 of our Embryonic show […]

101 Series Lesson 26: Neko Case
Welome back, students. This week in the 101 Series our lesson focuses on the music of a great artist and a genuine lady: Neko Case. We’ll go through all her great solo albums (we’ll leave it up to you to listen to the New Pornographers on your own time). So, get ready for a voice […]

Found Gems Ep 3
You’ve heard them before. You know their names and the popular songs they’ve done. They are the well-known singer-songwriters that have been all your favorites for years. But somewhere deep in each of their albums are great songs that received little or no airplay. This is the show that is dedicated to going beyond the […]

101 Series Lesson 25: The Ramones
Ok, students, it’s time now for a punch in the face punk rock style as we get some serious slam time from The Ramones. It’s loud, fast and rocks like Hell. Make no mistake – this will kill you many times. Play it, Dee Dee . . . 1, 2, 3 bam bam bam bang […]

Dusty Gems Ep 3
Sometimes gold is where you find it – sometimes you come across a diamond in the rough. Often times its created by a name you’re not sure of but maybe you’ve heard it before. This is the show dedicated to dusting off the lost gems by forgotten singer-songwriters. The names may not be familiar but […]

101 Series Lesson 24: Jimi Hendrix
We move from one guitar hero last week to another guitar hero this week as The 101 Series serves up a huge dose of Jimi Hendrix. We’ve got for you two hours of screamin’ solos, soaring sounds and general burning to the ultimate degree. Ear plugs will be needed for those close to the amps. […]