101 Series Lesson 65: Warner Brothers Records
For Lesson 65 of the 101 Series we turn back to the record shelf for some music history. Why don’t you join us for a broad look and listen to music from one of the greatest record labels of all-time – Warner Brothers Records. It will be a multi-genre ride in the Time Machine now […]

Have The Rolling Stones Killed Ep 5: Under My Covers
This week’s show is thematically similar to last week’s cover version show. The difference being this week it features songs of The Greatest Rock ‘n’ Roll Band Of All Time – the subject of the program. Episode 5 of Have The Rolling Stones Killed displays the influence and inspiration of other artists trying to rock […]

101 Series Lesson 64: Stevie Wonder
So . . . we don’t throw around the word genius often. But, when it comes to Stevie Wonder genius isn’t the word. It doesn’t go far enough. If aliens from another galaxy showed up and said, “Impress us,” we’d hustle Stevie out to the piano quick. Does that say it all? In Lesson 64 […]

Gimme Back My Song Ep 5
Not everyone who writes the song HAS to sing the song . . . sometimes the baton is passed and maybe, just maybe, a song is sung better by a different voice. In Gimme Back My Song (Episode 5!) we prove that a song can be cared for by more than one set of vocal […]

Grant’s Mix Time
It’s been awhile but it’s time to do this again. We have a new Guest DJ. We searched high and low but realized the answer was here at home. Our guest DJ is Grant Keller, the tech-meister and media wiz for BalconyRadio.com. Grant brought in a some toys and machines to the studio and mixed […]

101 Series Lesson 63: Gone Solo
You know, sometimes a rock star grows up and has to put childish things (or bands) away . . . and go solo. In Lesson 63 of the 101 Series we take a gander at a bunch of chicks and dudes who decided all the people in the van were keeping them back. It’s our […]

From The Board Ep 5
We’ve all done it . . . we all heard the lead singer say, “Here’s one from the new record,” and then head off to the bathroom or to track down a $14 beer. But, that’s part of the joy of going to concert. (Along with contact highs and ringing ears.) In episode 5 of […]

101 Series Lesson 62: Prog Rock Primer
On a planet of erupting volcanoes inhabited by purple and green monkey-faced dragons standing on plateaus of granite and marble a siren’s song wafts through canyons and valleys…well, it’s not quite THAT pretentious. Or, perhaps it is. It’s a kind of music that believes in theme, development and variation and could be played by a […]

The Free Space Ep 5
Like the center of a Bingo card, The Free Space helps complete things. It can go in any direction, add up to any amount, and say anything it wants. So we explore that philosophy on this program of the same name. This is episode 5 of the show that can go off in one direction […]