Sock Rockin’ Beats Ep 5
Do you ever get the urge to just go through your music collection and put together a mix tape of all the hardest rockin’ songs you can think off? It doesn’t matter how many time you’ve heard it you just want it in the mix again? That’s what we usually do on Sock Rockin’ Beats. […]

101 Series Lesson 69: Music of Japan
The United States gave the Japanese many things: the bomb (and therefore, Godzilla), Tom Cruise as a samurai, the hamburger and rock music. The Japanese took to some of these things more than others, especially the rock. In Lesson 69 of the 101 Series, we venture over to the big island of Japan for two […]

Off the Wall Ep 5: Warner Brothers Comps Pt. 1
Time now to go back to our vinyl archives. This is Off The Wall Episode 5 our journey through the vast and myriad vinyl collection stored here in The BalconyRadio vaults and studio. We knew exactly what needed to be done to follow up the last episode dedicated to Warner Brothers – play more! So […]

101 Series Lesson 68: Phil Spector
We at the Balcony know how to separate the artist from the art. We still like Woody Allen. We still like Roman Polanski. We still like The Naked Gun movies. Here’s Lesson 68 of the 101 Series where we set aside the personal from the professional once again and take a look at the career […]

Long Song Silver Ep 5
There have been many great pieces of music that been of great length. Gustav Mahler wrote symphonies that last over 2 hrs. And, course that “Ring Cycle” thing that goes on for a week. With Long Song Silver episode 5 the tracks we choose aren’t that immense. However, they are long enough to warrant their […]

101 Series Lesson 67: Songs About the Devil
You know how bad guy in the movie is always more interesting . . . he has all the best lines, wears a bitchin’ black hat and is usually a bad ass. So, we at The Balcony, with the aroma of sulfur in the studio, searched out songs about the ultimate bad guy: The Devil. […]

I Remember That Ep 5
You’ve heard all the big hits by all the great artists. Now it’s time to listen to some of the deeper tracks and hits from those same great artists. I Remember That is the oldies show that listens to all the great pre-Beatles music that your older relatives held near and dear to their hearts. […]

101 Series Lesson 66: Music of Canada
Yes, we play Rush in this show. We have to! And twenty other bands you may or may not have heard of sneaked past the border with them. For Lesson 66 of the 101 Series we round up the Canucks that kick ass and present to you the history of Canadian rock and roll. Canada: […]

High Tea with The Beatles Ep 5 (The Covers Show!)
The Guinness Book of World Records–the original internet–says that there are 3,000 recorded cover versions of “Yesterday” by The Beatles. That’s cool. We’re not playing any of them. Balcony Radio will now present to you two dozen Beatles tunes covered by people you may and mostly may not know. Take notes for further research . […]