101 Series Lesson 82: Live at CBGBs
Few places on earth are and were worth making a pilgrimage to . . . Mecca . . . the pyramids . . . the Great Wall . . . One of them, probably the most important, is no longer a place you can physically travel to: CBGB. In Lesson 82 of the 101 Series we […]

Long Song Silver Ep 6
You know who really loves long songs? The DJ. The overnight guy puts on “Hotel California” or “The End” or “Stairway” because that gives him enough time to go take a leak and smoke a j. We at The Balcony want to continue said tradition. Here’s our sixth testament to songs over ten minutes, Long […]

101 Series Lesson 81: Songs About Radio
There are so many things you can say about radio. The sound of static and a mis-dialed station can’t be replicated on a DSL line. Also, someone once said “Radio is a heartbreak.” That same someone then got the idea to write a song or two about it. And so did a lot of other […]

I Remember That Ep 6 – Live on The Ed Sullivan Show
Sunday nights from 1949 to 1971 there was only one place on the dial to watch live music . . . and everyone showed up. From Doris Day to the Jackson 5. The man who hosted this shindig: America’s uncool uncle, Mr. Ed Sullivan. Tune in and heat up that frozen TV dinner in the […]

101 Series Lesson 80: Songs About Baseball
Yeah, it’s the dead of freaking winter, but we don’t hate to admit it . . . we miss baseball. Football? Eh. Basketball? So-so. College football? Go fuck yourself. Here in Lesson 80 of the 101 Series we go full the nine innings with the best tunes about the Pastime you’ll ever hear. Start the oven, […]

High Tea with The Beatles Ep 6: The George Show
Only one of the Beatles achieved the state of pure bliss known as Nirvana. It wasn’t Ringo. In episode six of our tribute to Los Beatles, we let the Quiet One take center stage for more than two tracks an album . . . Enjoy the George Show. Pull up a hash cloud and listen […]

101 Series Lesson 79: Songs About Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Getting somewhere is half the journey of going somewhere. But, your choice of transportation can be worth writing a song about . . . for better or worse. With Lesson 79 of the 101 Series we concentrate on three important modes of travel – planes, trains and automobiles – and try to understand if there […]

Have The Rolling Stones Killed Ep 6 – New and Recent Stones
We at The Balcony aren’t fond of rules . . . making them or following them. When we started Have the Rolling Stones Killed, the edict was: don’t play anything after Tattoo You. (We don’t need to explain why.) But, because we are who we are . . . screw that. In episode 6 we […]

Gimme Back My Song Ep 6: Robert Johnson Covers
There are many artists who have had their catalogs covered over and over again. If there were a Top 5 of most covered artists Robert Johnson would probably be at the top. Anyone in the 60s who played guitar, played Robert Johnson. On episode 6 Of Gimme Back My Song we explore almost the entire […]