101Series Lesson 95: REM
In some places the water is funny . . . New Orleans, Austin, Chicago, Memphis, Minneapolis. For a reason that cannot be explained, these places have a sound. Another of these spots: Athens, GA. In Lesson 95 of the 101 Series we rock you in a jangly fashion courtesy of the best band Athens produced […]

Found Gems Ep 7
We at Le Balcony firmly believe in diggin’ deep. Deep into the ice cream carton. Deep into the pizza dish. Deep into the crate of records. Deep into the second side of albums. All your favorite artists and bands record an album of 12 songs and you know four by heart . . . what […]

101 Series Lesson 94: Warren Zevon
The true test of a great singer and songwriter is the influence that person has on music. Warren Zevon, the subject of Lesson 94, wrote lots of songs that were covered by other people and he could rock pretty well himself. For the 101 Series this week we journey through the open life of Zevon’s […]

Embryonic Ep 7
Rock and roll is work, dammit. Not every jam starts a fucking jam. All creative endeavors start in a more gelatinous form . . . In episode 7 of Embryonic, our testament to the demo, we look over the shoulders of giants and check out the songs you know by heart back when the writer […]

101 Series Lesson 93: Roxy Music
The glam aliens have arrived and they want to dance and make out with you. And not in that order. They may look a bit odd (especially the guy in the feathered boa with bad hair) but they can still put on good show. For Lesson 93 of the 101 Series we dip into the catalogue […]

Dusty Gems Ep 7 (Modern Rock Sounds You Should Know)
Not everything that’s new is bad. We promise. Some of the new stuff rocks your balls off, too. Believe us. So, for episode 7 of Dusty Gems, we showcase contemporary bands and artists you don’t know (instead of old artists you don’t know, like we usually do). Take notes, we’re playing all the bands your […]

101 Series Lesson 92: The Band
The Who? No. The Band. What a bunch of pompous assholes to name their band THE Band . . . but, seriously, when your group has five front men you can call it anything you want. In this lesson (92!) of the 101 Series, we plug into the only bunch of musicians who can run […]

Deez Rhymes Ep 7 (Freestyle Jams)
Alright alright allllllllllllllright, now. It’s time for everyone to shut tha fuck up and sit tha fuck down, here’s episode 7 of Deez Rhymes – Freestyle in da hi-youse! In the next one hundred twenty minutes, we drop beats stickier than the stickiest of the icky. Seriously, this show is flyer than Curtis Mayfield on a […]

101 Series Lesson 91: Van Morrison
The green isle of Ireland has given the world a great many things: James Joyce, the Boston P.D., Guinness and a certain Mr. Van Morrison. In Lesson 91 of the 101 Series, we sit down and bask in the warm glow of the Belfast genius . . . And we try not to bug him. […]