Dusty Gems Ep 8
Not everyone gets to be Elvis, Bruce, Mick or Ringo . . . but, you know what, a cult following is nothing to sneeze at. Except in the cases of singer-songwriters like the ones in this show whose cult is so small they could all be sneezed on at once. Here’s Dusty Gems, the show […]

101 Series Lesson 110: Queen
Some bands are lucky to be blessed with a true front man: The Stones. The Doors. Van Halen (sometimes). But . . . there is one band that was lead by a banshee-singing pan-sexual alien in furs and feathers . . . that band is Queen and that frontman is Freddie. For Lesson 110 of the […]

Deez Rhymes Ep 8: Disssss Tracks
You know the rules . . . diss me and I diss you back. Someone drop a beat for me and give me some room to regulate every fool that steps to m-y mic. Woah . . . woah. We don’t know where that came from. Sorry! Listening to 2 hours of Diss Tracks on […]

101 Series Lesson 109: Black Sabbath
The Devil has many names – Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Bieber, Minaj, Kardashian . . . . And even though The Devil gave you Jefferson Starship, he also gave you a little band called Black Sabbath. For Lesson 109, we plumb the depths of the seven circles and crank up the Sabbath, Hell’s house band. In the […]

Blue Highway Ep 8 (“Live” Performances)
Well, hello there again, partners . . . it’s time for another fix of country sounds to stick under your hat. In episode 8 of Blue Highway, our tribute to Americana roots music, we sit back and enjoy some first class picking and strumming. Maybe you should loosen up your boots and get comfortable . […]

101 Series Lesson 108: Songs About Girls
We at The Balcony did some calculating . . . about 92% of songs are about girls. Mom. Girlfriend. Platonic freeze-out. Summer romance. Post-summer romance. All about girls. So, in Lesson 108 we decided to do a show for the ladies. Literally. In this episode all the songs are about specific girls, all the names […]

X Chromosome Ep 7 (Contemporary Ladies)
We at The Balcony have been accused of being belligerent fogeys . . . always playin’ that long haired dude rock from the 70s. Well, maybe that’s right. Sorry. Can we make it up to ya? How about we spend two hours playing nothing but awesome ladies who are on college radio now? Would that […]

101 Series Lesson 107.2: James Brown Live and On Stage
Ok everyone. It’s time to get some serious funk action going. We’re going to do that now with the ultra-hot, Hardest Working Man In Show Business, Mr. “Please Please Me”, Mr. “This Is A Man’s World” . . . the one only, Mr. James Brown. It’s a big dose of live music from Mr. Brown […]

Time For Bob Ep 7 (Dylan in the 70s)
From 1970-79 a man named Bob Dylan made a LOT of music. Some people like most of it, a few people like a lot of it and most people just liked “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door.” We, at the Balcony, have decided to focus on the better part of Dylan’s 70’s material for episode 7 of […]