The Halloween Spooooooky Songs Show
Gather round all you ghoooooools, it’s time for you to get spooooooooked. Our favorite time of year has returned . . . Balcony Radio rises out of the most sincere pumpkin patch to give you all the scary songs you can shiver your skeleton bones at. Join us, if you dare, for a show that […]

Long Song Silver Ep 8
Sometimes you need a long and continuous period of time to think about everything and nothing. Or maybe you just want to rock non-stop without interruption by another song. Then you need episode 8 of Long Song Silver, a soundtrack of songs which run without need of stopping for a long time. The only time […]

101 Series Lesson 117: Harry Nilsson
There are not enough words, sometimes, to describe the greatness of an artist and their work. And the hunt for those words is usually done after an artist has passed from this mortal coil. Harry Nilsson is just such an artist. For Lesson 117 of the 101 Series we search for the right words to […]

I Remember That Ep 8: Rockabilly Time!
Well, hey there hip cats, hot ladies, and all you kiddies that make the world go ROCK-BAM-BOOM!! Time to grease back your DA or put on that pretty pink party dress. There’s some rockin’ coming at ya! It’s episode 8 of our rock ‘n’ roll rerun show I Remember That and this week we step […]

101 Series Lesson 116: Aerosmith
There are lots of things that Boston is famous for – beans, clam chowder, trading Babe Ruth for an 86-year World Series drought. Boston is also home to the subject of Lesson 116 of the 101 Series – Aerosmith, also know as the “Bad Boys From Boston”. This week we rock New England and surrounding […]

High Tea with The Beatles Ep 8
They, who ever they are, say that one person can’t change the world. That’s probably true . . . but you know what? Four people working together can do some major shite. In episode 8 of our tribute to the Fabs (we call it High Tea with The Beatles), we dig into side two of […]

101 Series Lesson 115: The Music of 1957
And now we have another installment in our look at pivotal years in music. For Lesson 115 we turn to the year 1957 when Leave It To Beaver and American Bandstand debuted on television, Dwight Eisenhower began his second term as President, and those pesky nuisances Rock ‘n’ Roll and Rhythm ‘n’ Blues were turning […]

Have The Rolling Stones Killed Ep 8: Deep In The 60s (Album tracks 1962-1969)
Between 1962 and 1969 The Rolling Stones release 10 records – 4 in 1965 alone (one for each season!). Andrew Loog Oldham kept those boys busy year ’round. For episode 8 of our tribute to the Stones, Have The Rolling Stones Killed, we go wading deep in these records and listen to some tracks usually […]

101 Series Lesson 114 Part II: Return of New Wave
Ok, everyone! The intermission’s over. Time for now for part 2 of our look at the music of the early80s with Return of New Wave. For Lesson 114 we get back on the dance floor for more tunes from the days of roller disco, Madame Wong’s and maybe a few dozen cans of AquaNet. It’s […]