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Time For Bob Ep 5
So, what do you do when you’re the greatest songwriter ever and your record contract dictates that product must come out? You cover songs. Everyone does it, why not Bob? Here in our fifth episode of our tribute to Mr. Z, Time For Bob, we focus on the tunes that influenced the great man enough […]

101 Series Lesson 73: Tom Waits (Live and In Person)
Step right up, one and all. The attraction today is the unique, eccentric, well-coifed, surprisingly good at acting, megaphone wielding, garage rattling, barn stomping Tom Waits. Hear the man transform from a 70’s piano playing boho to a mutli-tracked beatboxing sixty year old indie rocker. In Lesson 73 of the 101 Series, we put together […]

This Pill Makes You Small Ep 5
We hope you figured out how much of the potion to drink to get through the door, it’s time for some psychedelic music. Here, friends, is episode five of our tribute to music best enjoyed floating two feet off the ground, This Pill Makes You Small. In this sojourn, please do try to keep up […]

101 Series Lesson 72: Led Zeppelin “Live”
John Bonham. John Paul Jones. Jimmy Page. Robert Plant. Fuck. Led Zeppelin. The hammer of the gods, the stomping t-rex, thunder and fucking lightning itself: Led Fucking Zeppelin. We at the Balcony have missed out on some major historical happenings: the building of the pyramids, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the first flight […]

Swingtime Ep 5
From Doris Day to Mel Torme, we at the Balcony are familiar with the Swingin’ side of life. Whether a well-sung melody, a jazzy orchestration or some serious be-boppin’, with Episode 5 of Swingtime we prove again that Swing music has got your soul, rock and all other musical needs covered. Add fedora and tuxedo, […]

101 Series Lesson 71.2 (Bruuuuuuuuce Live)
One day in 1975 Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band walked onto a stage and haven’t left yet. They’ve been doing the same show at the same energy for 40 goddamn years. How is that possible? Is the Fountain of Youth off the New Jersey Turnpike near Exit 96? Tell us, Boss. We need […]