101 Series Lesson 28: Los Lobos
Sit down, pick up your pencils, class is in session . . . today’s 101 Series lesson is the pride of East Los Angeles: Los Lobos. In this episode we sit down for two hours with the best living room/backyard/auditorium/festival/club/open air stadium band around and try to find out exactly how the wolf will survive. […]

101 Series Lesson 27: England Pt 2
Well, students, it’s time to complete our tour of merry England and begin our farewell to the land of Dickens, Black Sabbath, and Stonehenge. The final bus is about to pull out. Let’s hope it doesn’t start raining. This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England . . . this place to rock. Click […]

101 Series Lesson 27: England Pt. 1
Get your passports and travel itineraries together students. Time to board the 767 for the first part of our journey through the music of England. This is is our second two-parter and an entry in the “Where?” category of topics. It will be a multi-genre excursion and journey throughout the entire country. Prepare for boarding […]

101 Series Lesson 26: Neko Case
Welome back, students. This week in the 101 Series our lesson focuses on the music of a great artist and a genuine lady: Neko Case. We’ll go through all her great solo albums (we’ll leave it up to you to listen to the New Pornographers on your own time). So, get ready for a voice […]

101 Series Lesson 25: The Ramones
Ok, students, it’s time now for a punch in the face punk rock style as we get some serious slam time from The Ramones. It’s loud, fast and rocks like Hell. Make no mistake – this will kill you many times. Play it, Dee Dee . . . 1, 2, 3 bam bam bam bang […]

101 Series Lesson 24: Jimi Hendrix
We move from one guitar hero last week to another guitar hero this week as The 101 Series serves up a huge dose of Jimi Hendrix. We’ve got for you two hours of screamin’ solos, soaring sounds and general burning to the ultimate degree. Ear plugs will be needed for those close to the amps. […]

101 Series Lesson 23: Chuck Berry
Now, students, we give you a lesson in rock ‘n’ roll history as we take an extended listen to the man that got ’em all rockin’. Often imitated, but never duplicated! The innovator and originator – it’s the one and only Chuck Berry. You’ll hear all the great songs you know, all the great songs […]

101 Series Lesson 22: Credence Clearwater Revival
Hello students. It’s time to get some serious dancin’ and rockin’ as we go stompin’ in the swamps with Credence Clearwater Revival for Lesson 22. It’s loud, loaded with blues and screams like a banshee. These are qualities worth exploring in our view. We’ll listen to some deep album tracks, live gems and familiar favorites. […]

101 Series Lesson 21: The Black Keys
Students, are you ready to rock? Are you ready to kick the world’s ass so hard it’ll get sent into the next millennium? Well, fasten your seat belts and get ready for hyper rock action as The 101 Series reaches maturity with Lesson 21 and a workout with The Black Keys. Two guys who sound […]

101 Series Lesson 20: Crosby, Stills & Nash (& Young!)
Hello again, students. This week’s lesson will concern mainly David Crosby, Stephen Stills and Graham Nash. But, obviously, a part of their career included someone who’s been featured in this classroom before, Neil Young. (CSN and sometimes Y!) So the lesson will be liberally peppered with Mr. Young. But mostly the three voices that had […]