101 Series Lesson 72: Led Zeppelin “Live”
John Bonham. John Paul Jones. Jimmy Page. Robert Plant. Fuck. Led Zeppelin. The hammer of the gods, the stomping t-rex, thunder and fucking lightning itself: Led Fucking Zeppelin. We at the Balcony have missed out on some major historical happenings: the building of the pyramids, the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the first flight […]

101 Series Lesson 71.2 (Bruuuuuuuuce Live)
One day in 1975 Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band walked onto a stage and haven’t left yet. They’ve been doing the same show at the same energy for 40 goddamn years. How is that possible? Is the Fountain of Youth off the New Jersey Turnpike near Exit 96? Tell us, Boss. We need […]

101 Series Lesson 71: Bruce Springsteen (Part 1: In Studio)
Icons come and Icons go but The Boss goes on forever. And when he gets going it goes all night. For Lesson 71 of the 101 Series we take a 2-part listen to the music of Bruce Springsteen with and without the E Street Band – because that’s the only thing that can be done. […]

101 Series Lesson 70: Columbia Records
Before the mp3, before the CD, before the cassette, before the 8-track, before reel-to-reel, before vinyl there was wax and shellac. Who put the wax and shellac on? Columbia Records did. The oldest record label in America deserves it’s own show and you’re getting it. In Lesson 70 of the 101 Series we focus on […]

101 Series Lesson 69: Music of Japan
The United States gave the Japanese many things: the bomb (and therefore, Godzilla), Tom Cruise as a samurai, the hamburger and rock music. The Japanese took to some of these things more than others, especially the rock. In Lesson 69 of the 101 Series, we venture over to the big island of Japan for two […]

101 Series Lesson 68: Phil Spector
We at the Balcony know how to separate the artist from the art. We still like Woody Allen. We still like Roman Polanski. We still like The Naked Gun movies. Here’s Lesson 68 of the 101 Series where we set aside the personal from the professional once again and take a look at the career […]

101 Series Lesson 67: Songs About the Devil
You know how bad guy in the movie is always more interesting . . . he has all the best lines, wears a bitchin’ black hat and is usually a bad ass. So, we at The Balcony, with the aroma of sulfur in the studio, searched out songs about the ultimate bad guy: The Devil. […]

101 Series Lesson 66: Music of Canada
Yes, we play Rush in this show. We have to! And twenty other bands you may or may not have heard of sneaked past the border with them. For Lesson 66 of the 101 Series we round up the Canucks that kick ass and present to you the history of Canadian rock and roll. Canada: […]

101 Series Lesson 65: Warner Brothers Records
For Lesson 65 of the 101 Series we turn back to the record shelf for some music history. Why don’t you join us for a broad look and listen to music from one of the greatest record labels of all-time – Warner Brothers Records. It will be a multi-genre ride in the Time Machine now […]

101 Series Lesson 64: Stevie Wonder
So . . . we don’t throw around the word genius often. But, when it comes to Stevie Wonder genius isn’t the word. It doesn’t go far enough. If aliens from another galaxy showed up and said, “Impress us,” we’d hustle Stevie out to the piano quick. Does that say it all? In Lesson 64 […]