101 Series Lesson 63: Gone Solo
You know, sometimes a rock star grows up and has to put childish things (or bands) away . . . and go solo. In Lesson 63 of the 101 Series we take a gander at a bunch of chicks and dudes who decided all the people in the van were keeping them back. It’s our […]

101 Series Lesson 62: Prog Rock Primer
On a planet of erupting volcanoes inhabited by purple and green monkey-faced dragons standing on plateaus of granite and marble a siren’s song wafts through canyons and valleys…well, it’s not quite THAT pretentious. Or, perhaps it is. It’s a kind of music that believes in theme, development and variation and could be played by a […]

101 Series Lesson 61: Bong Rock
Ok, now students, we have a very interesting topic to explore this week on the 101 Series Lesson 61. It is the rather broad, but generally accurate term “Bong Rock”. That is, music that would be good to consume green, leafy combustibles through colorful plastics tubes filled with water to. Since some here remember the […]

101 Series Lesson 60: Songs About Coffee
Lesson 60 of the 101 Series is about something near and dear to everyone and that is COFFEE something that we drink way too much of at Balcony Radio and which people all over the world drink way too much of and perhaps talk about it in a verbose and pompous fashion to the point […]

101 Series Lesson 59: Songs About The Presidents
Let it be known far and wide that The Balcony loves America. Or as we say it “Murrka.” So, with Lesson 59 of the 101 Series we pay tribute to Resident #1 and a few of the people who’ve tried to kill him. We don’t do all the presidents and some get more than one […]

101 Series Lesson 58: Music’s Eccentrics
Webster’s defines the word ‘Eccentric’ as “Having it’s axis off center”. BalconyRadio assumes this definition as its motto and defines ‘Eccentric’ as music worth exploring. In Lesson 58 of the 101 Series we turn to artists who may never have been played on the radio, may not have had a hit single, or who have […]

101 Series Lesson 57: Folk Music Revival
In the new millennium there has been a rise in the number of coffee shops in America – most belonging to one or two companies. We at The Balcony think it’s time to bring back the coffee shop as venue – the way it was in the days of Greenwich Village – with guitars, banjos […]

101 Series Lesson 56: G-L-A-M! Rock
To be perfectly truthful about Lesson 56, it really is more rock than glam. But we still like silver pant suits, bright red rouge and 8-inch platform heels. It all comes together under the heading of Glam Rock. If glamour is a genre then the music can be a gaudy piece of costume jewelry. But […]

101 Series Lesson 55: The British Invasion
From 1964-1971, teenage girls on both sides of the Atlantic had a collective orgasm set to music you can dance to. We call it the British Invasion. Join us in Lesson 55 of the 101 Series where we listen to all the bands that followed the Beatles down the tarmac at JFK Airport. In this […]

101 Series Lesson 54: The Beach Boys
Summer time means a lot of things: bar-b-que, sunshine, zinc on your nose, a good case of heat stroke, some potato salad bloat and the music of Charlie Manson’s second favorite band (even he preferred The Beatles) . . . In Lesson 54 of the 101 Series we spin the well-produced tunes of the Beach […]