Dusty Gems Ep 9
Cracks can get wide enough for some awesome people to slip through. Luckily, Balcony Radio is there with a big fucking net at the bottom. In episode 9 of Dusty Gems, we hold up some great lost artists to the spotlight before time forgets them forevah! Open up Wikipedia and Amazon in other windows and […]

Dusty Gems Ep 8
Not everyone gets to be Elvis, Bruce, Mick or Ringo . . . but, you know what, a cult following is nothing to sneeze at. Except in the cases of singer-songwriters like the ones in this show whose cult is so small they could all be sneezed on at once. Here’s Dusty Gems, the show […]

Dusty Gems Ep 7 (Modern Rock Sounds You Should Know)
Not everything that’s new is bad. We promise. Some of the new stuff rocks your balls off, too. Believe us. So, for episode 7 of Dusty Gems, we showcase contemporary bands and artists you don’t know (instead of old artists you don’t know, like we usually do). Take notes, we’re playing all the bands your […]

Dusty Gems Ep 6
The Music Machine is always at work . . . some cogs wind up not being necessary. The Machine spits them out. Carelessly. We at The Balcony believe those who got the shaft based on demographic research groups should sometimes get the spotlight, so we put together a little thing called Dusty Gems. Here in […]

Dusty Gems Ep 5
Great songs may come and go, but sometimes the best songs are the ones that have fallen just off the radar. Welcome to episode 5 of Dusty Gems – the show that re-calibrates the radar for a more powerful search. We have a bevy of great bands playing some deep grooves that could be called […]

Dusty Gems Ep 4
If you dig into the crate, you’re going to come up with some tunes you’ve never heard before that can (and will) knock your fucking sox off. So, we your friends at the Balcony got out those extra long tongs and started collecting all these tunes in a big burlap sack marked “Dusty Gems” and […]

Dusty Gems Ep 3
Sometimes gold is where you find it – sometimes you come across a diamond in the rough. Often times its created by a name you’re not sure of but maybe you’ve heard it before. This is the show dedicated to dusting off the lost gems by forgotten singer-songwriters. The names may not be familiar but […]

Dusty Gems Ep 2
The second in our series of shows dedicated to lesser-known singer-songwriters. Take notes. (And show your work.) Admit it, you’ve never heard of most of these people. Buy some of their music and impress your friends. Click on the link to check out the songs from this show: Dusty Gems Show #2 Playlist

Dusty Gems Ep 1
The first in our series of shows dedicated to lesser-known singer-songwriters. In this epsiode we play Emmitt Rhodes, Kate Wolf, Judee Sill, Phil Ochs and other people you’ve never heard of. Like it? Buy it. Now. Click the link below to check out all the tunes in this episode: Dusty Gems Episode 1 Playlist