High Tea with The Beatles Ep 9 – Solo Hits “Live”
One day, Orson Wells was sitting in a bar when someone walked up to him and asked, “So, what did you do after ‘Citizen Kane’?” One day, someone walked up to Paul McCartney and asked, “What was the name of the group you were in before Wings?” The moral of this story: don’t bug geniuses, […]

High Tea with The Beatles Ep 8
They, who ever they are, say that one person can’t change the world. That’s probably true . . . but you know what? Four people working together can do some major shite. In episode 8 of our tribute to the Fabs (we call it High Tea with The Beatles), we dig into side two of […]

High Tea With The Beatles Ep 7 (Beatles Doing Covers)
The Beatles are a band that had four frontmen . . . and three songwriting brains (John & Paul, George and the two songs the drummer wrote). But, you know, sometimes the ol’ brain has to take five and let someone else’s song come through the amps. The Beatles covered eighty million songs. In this […]

High Tea with The Beatles Ep 6: The George Show
Only one of the Beatles achieved the state of pure bliss known as Nirvana. It wasn’t Ringo. In episode six of our tribute to Los Beatles, we let the Quiet One take center stage for more than two tracks an album . . . Enjoy the George Show. Pull up a hash cloud and listen […]

High Tea with The Beatles Ep 5 (The Covers Show!)
The Guinness Book of World Records–the original internet–says that there are 3,000 recorded cover versions of “Yesterday” by The Beatles. That’s cool. We’re not playing any of them. Balcony Radio will now present to you two dozen Beatles tunes covered by people you may and mostly may not know. Take notes for further research . […]

High Tea with The Beatles Ep 4
He wrote all the silly pop songs with The Beatles and the silly love songs after The Beatles. So, with episode 4 of High Tea with The Beatles, we give you simply “The Paul Show.” In this episode we spin some deep and possibly forgotten tracks by Paul McCartney, solo and with some band with […]

High Tea with The Beatles Ep 3
The Beatles are dropping like flies . . . (sorry). We at the Balcony are pretty sure that Ringo is going to be the last Beatle standing, and we’re totally fine with that. In the third episode of our High Tea With The Beatles series the drummer gets the spotlight. Join us for a helping […]

High Tea With The Beatles Ep 2: John Lennon
Fifty years ago the world took a strange wobble and created the band that started it all – The Beatles. And in this second episode we begin our look at the solo work of the individual members beginning with John Lennon. Great album cuts, rarities (bootleg alert!) and live tracks comprise this three-course meal. Over-indulgence […]

High Tea With The Beatles Ep 1
The first episode in our series dedicated to the greatest band in the history of sound. In this episode, we stick to just the live stuff. There is a large amount of high-pitched screaming, some by us. Click the link below to watch the performances of the songs we play in this episode: High Tea […]