Sock Rockin’ Beats Ep 9
There comes many times in one’s life when all you want to do is rock. All you want is rock – all you do is rock – all you’ve got to have without question or reservation is rock, Rock, ROCK! For episode 9 of Sock Rockin’ Beats that’s all there is – 2 hours of […]

Sock Rockin’ Beats Ep 8: F’N METAL!!
It’s always fun to smash things – take a big piece of furniture in your hands and just break it for no reason other than to mess up the place. We have just that activity in mind and there is only one type of music to listen to when you’re destroying your apartment – Heavy […]

Sock Rockin’ Beats Ep 7
It’s time to nail down your lava lamp . . . we’re about to rock your fucking house off the foundation. In Episode 7 of Sock Rockin’ Beats we set aside two hours of our lives to pummel your eardrums and annoy the neighbors. YOU’RE FUCKING WELCOME!! Where is our thank you? (Hint: the best thank […]

Sock Rockin’ Beats Ep 6
Alright, jerks. You know what it’s time for. Oh, you don’t? Then, get the fuck out . . . It’s time for Sock Rockin’ Beats, our tribute to ringing ears and sprained necks. This is the sixth time we’ve done it. And by done it we mean play all the songs that will have the […]

Sock Rockin’ Beats Ep 5
Do you ever get the urge to just go through your music collection and put together a mix tape of all the hardest rockin’ songs you can think off? It doesn’t matter how many time you’ve heard it you just want it in the mix again? That’s what we usually do on Sock Rockin’ Beats. […]

Sock Rockin’ Beats Ep 4
The name of the show says it all. Sometimes you’ve just got to rock. You need to build a playlist of the 37 most rockin’ songs you can think of at that moment and listen to it for many days. We do that, too – fairly routinely. And we bring it to you in a […]

Sock Rockin’ Beats Ep 3
These ones don’t go to 11, they go to fucking 13 (also, because of our OCD it has to be an odd number). In our third installment of Sock Rockin’ Beats, the show dedicated to playing music loud and fast the way your parents hated, we sit down for two hours of noise that will […]

Sock Rockin’ Beats Ep 2
When ya gotta rock, ya gotta rock. And now’s the time to do it, balls out runnin’. Take a little time to rock with Sock Rockin’ Beats Episode 2 and you’ll be a whole lot happier. It frees you of worry, makes you’re mind clear of confusion and puts everything into perspective for a proper […]

Sock Rockin’ Beats Ep 1
Rock and or roll. We’ve got it. You need it. Here it is . . . loud enough to hurt your feelings. Get some loud ass music in your life. Click on the link and check out the songs from this show: Sock Rockin’ Beats Show Playlist