Most Recent Shows

Off The Wall Ep 2

When you have too much vinyl (like us!) you want to play it as often as possible (like us!). And when it begins to overtake the entire living area of your home then you want to show it off (like us!). So, now we present our second installment in our love and devotion to the little spinning black circle with the spiral scratch and the big hole in the center. We pull out a stack of 45s from the little mid-century box of records and play them straight from the turntable. Off The Wall Episode 2 will have needle drops, scratchy vinyl and great songs from the vintage vinyl archives. It’s like an afternoon with your friends in the basement. Mom, can you make some S’mores?

Watch the black circle spin and spin and spin and spin . . . and then click on the link to check out the digital versions of the vinyl shellac:

 Off The Wall #2 Episode Playlist

101 Series Lesson 19: Wilco

Hello there, students! It’s school time (again). This week’s lesson in ye olde 101 Series is a band from the great state of Chicago: the Wilco! In Lesson 19 of the 101 Series we sit down for two hours of Jeff Tweedy, John Stirratt and whoever else is in the band at the time. And, you know what . . . we can hear singles on every record of theirs. Take that, Warner Bros! Only true music students and snobs such as yourselves, students, should hear it as well. 

Somewhere in a loft in Chicago a bunch of forty year old guys are making better music than your shitty band you’re in with your friends . . . click on the link to check out the songs Jeff and the guys are hammering out upstairs:

 Wilco Episode Playlist

I Remember That Ep 2

You are getting sleepy, very sleepy. You’re beginning to go back into the furthest reaches of your mind. You’re beginning to remember. Yes, you’re thinking of all the great songs you knew when you were growing up but somehow got forgotten by your favorite radio station. Well, this program will help you to remember the great oldies of your youth. It’s Episode 2 of I Remember That. And you will say it over and over as we bring back the great doo-wop and R&B of the 50s and 60s. Pile your DA tight and put on the peddle pushers. Time to head to the drive-in.

101 Series Lesson 18: Lucinda Williams

Welcome back, students. Time now to step up to the bar and order a round for the house. This week we’ll listen to music from a genuine artist and a genuine lady: Lucinda Williams. We’ll hit the gravel road all up and down her catalog. Step aside, boys – time to get some serious country music in your heart and a shot of Jack Daniels down the hatch. No last call here. 

Sock Rockin’ Beats Ep 2

When ya gotta rock, ya gotta rock. And now’s the time to do it, balls out runnin’. Take a little time to rock  with Sock Rockin’ Beats Episode 2 and you’ll be a whole lot happier. It frees you of worry, makes you’re mind clear of confusion and puts everything into perspective for a proper downtown ass-kicking. EMS will be standing by at the show’s conclusion for medical assistance and aid.

101 Series Lesson 17: Todd Rundgren/Utopia

Welcome back, students of music and/or madness. The next topic in your syllabus for the 101 Series features Todd Rundgren and his sometime/all the time band Utopia. It will be like sitting at a Todd show only with studio tracks from many of his great albums. There will be some prog, some pop, and even a touch of country. The next sounds you hear will be great singing and great playing – for 2+ hours. T-O-D-D-!

Embryonic Ep 2

Which came first – the note or the staff? Was it thought before sound? Or, perhaps, cassette tape before vinyl? We attempt to answer those questions with our  look at the sketches that became masterpieces. It’s Embryonic Ep 2 and we listen to the songs you know before they became the songs you know by artists in their living room or home studio. Yes, even the Mona Lisa started out as Stick Figure #11.

101 Series Lesson 16: Neil Young (Part Two ~ Neil On Stage)

We now would like to set a precedent for our presentations in the 101 Series as we settle in for Part 2 of our study of Neil Young. This time we take it to the stage as Neil does it solo and sometimes with his erstwhile band Crazy Horse. Neil mangles piano, guitar, harmonica all with a voice you can hear after the lights have gone out. Don’t worry about bag searches – smoking always permitted.

Neil Young might be the best thing Canada ever did. Just click on the link and check out the tunes from this show:

Neil Young Live Show Playlist

Long Song Silver Ep 2

On and on. On . . . and . . . on. No, it’s not a song by ABBA or Stephen Bishop. Or an album by Jack Johnson. It’s the motto and mission statement of the program dedicated to smashing the short attention span to shreds: Long Song Silver. This week it’s Episode 2. Our starting point is 9 minutes (or so) and today we explore the great and vast development of themes, variations, choruses and recapitulations that seem to go on and on and on . . .

Scott picked a bunch of weird songs from weird albums (on a weird thing called “vinyl”) that were purchased by weird people. Click on the link and check out the songs we played in this show, weirdo:

Long Song Silver #2 Show Playlist

101 Series Lesson 16: Neil Young (Part One ~ Neil In The Studio)

Hello, students. Today your lesson is about someone who has a guitar, a harmonica, and sometimes a piano and can make each sound like a dying giraffe. This week’s show is your first two-part lesson as we listen to the studio recordings of Neil Young. Please prepare for a thoroughly smokey experience as we enjoy the good records and avoid The Shocking Pinks, The Blue Notes, all that techno-electronica. It’s some solo, some Crazy Horse, and some kick-ass rock ‘n’ roll!

Hey, Neil, you know what . . . this note’s actually for you . . . Click on the link to check out the songs we played in this episode:

Neil Young Studio Show Playlist