101 Series Lesson 31: The Replacements
Hello, students. Welcome back from your vacation. Today we listen to the music of one of the great pioneering bands of alternative rock who never got the respect they deserve, nearly banned by CBGB’s, were banned on SNL and did everything they could to alienate live audiences: Minnesota’s own The Replacements. Paul, Chris, Slim and […]

I Remember That Ep 3
Rock and roll music was born in 1951 and by Watergate was old enough to drink. We here at the Balcony are big fans of rock’s freckled years in the 50s and this third installment of our oldies series I Remember That proves it. In this episode we play a couple of hours of music […]

101 Series Lesson 30: Mark Lanegan
We here at the Balcony will admit that we spent a large portion of the mid-90s wearing flannel and jeans three sizes too large . . . we kinda looked like Screaming Trees roadies (or the guys who’d sell weed to Soundgarden). In this class session of the 101 Series we sit down for a […]

High Tea with The Beatles Ep 3
The Beatles are dropping like flies . . . (sorry). We at the Balcony are pretty sure that Ringo is going to be the last Beatle standing, and we’re totally fine with that. In the third episode of our High Tea With The Beatles series the drummer gets the spotlight. Join us for a helping […]

101 Lesson 29: Balcony En Español
¡Hola, chicos y chicas! Tú amigos at Balcony Radio aren’t afraid of music we don’t fully understand. Even though that usually applies to Brian Eno, today that means a whole different language . . . It’s Lesson 29: Rock En Español. In this episode we hum along for two hours with people we can’t sing along […]

Have The Rolling Stones Killed Ep 3
There is only one garage band on earth that has lasted fifty years: the Rolling Fucking Stones. In this episode we sit down with Mick, Keef, Brian/Mick/Ron, Bill (mostly), and Charlie (our favorite) for two hours of full tilt rock ‘n’ roll. We’ll be in the suite for the bacchanal with all the girls, the […]

101 Series Lesson 28: Los Lobos
Sit down, pick up your pencils, class is in session . . . today’s 101 Series lesson is the pride of East Los Angeles: Los Lobos. In this episode we sit down for two hours with the best living room/backyard/auditorium/festival/club/open air stadium band around and try to find out exactly how the wolf will survive. […]

Gimme Back My Song Ep 3
“Hey, I wrote that song!” “No you didn’t; I did!” Well, someone wrote it . . . we don’t really care, we just like the song. Now we have Episode 3 of our look at the someone doin’ someone else’s tune, “Gimme Back My Song.” We have a few surprises and a lot of familiar […]