Yes, these are The Replacements

101 Series Lesson 31: The Replacements

Hello, students. Welcome back from your vacation. Today we listen to the music of one of the great pioneering bands of alternative rock who never got the respect they deserve, nearly banned by CBGB’s, were banned on SNL and did everything they could to alienate live audiences: Minnesota’s own The Replacements. Paul, Chris, Slim and a couple of Stinson brothers whip up some great tunes and rock like Hell.  As they are immortalized in one of our promos, “We apologize. Here they are… The Replacements!”

We love The Replacements so much we don’t people calling them The ‘Mats. It’s not a long word, say the whole thing . . . then click the link to check out the songs in this show:

 The Replacements Episode Playlist