101 Series Lesson 36: Stand-Up Room Only (Pt. 2)
Welcome back to the show, ladies and gentleman. We hope you enjoyed our opening act last week. Time now for the next act to come to our stage with Part 2 of Lesson 36. Music and all who make it are again the focus of this evening’s festivities. The show begins right now!

101 Series Lesson 36 – Stand-Up Room Only (Pt. 1)
It’s a funny thing – Music can be a funny thing. And it’s even funnier in the eyes of a great stand-up comedian. This week the class plan for the 101 Series is the first part of our look at comedy’s take on the music business. We bring together some very funny people saying some […]

101 Series Lesson 35 Part 2: Return of the 80’s
We still don’t know who shot J.R. . . . in the second session of Lesson 35, we return to the 80’s once again at Carl Lewis-like speed and check out all the songs that rocked the ride to and from the mall. Join us while we wonder why it took so long for the […]

101 Series Lesson 35: The 80’s, Pt. 1
You can, fer shure, gag us with a spoon . . . because it’s time for some 80’s!! In lesson 35 of the 101 Series we spin the tunes with teased hair and a fake English accent, all while drinking New Cokes and trying to finally figure out the rubik’s cube. (That’s probably why we’ll […]

101 Series Lesson 34: The Sex Pistols
We polled ourselves and have come to a consensus: Sid couldn’t play for shit. We also agree that it doesn’t really matter. In lesson 34 of the 101 Series we stick safety pins in each other and listen to the Sex Pistols for a couple of hours. At least once in this episode someone gets […]

101 Series Lesson 33: Pink Floyd
To be honest . . . we still don’t know which one is Pink. (We do have the address to the funny farm, though.) We here at Balcony Radio love to let our brains float off into the ether tied to a long string of twine and the best soundtrack for that: the Pink Floyd. […]

101 Series Lesson 32: New York City
Neither of us at The Balcony have been to NYC, but . . . we will. One day. And when we do, we’re heading straight for the Apollo, then where CBGB’s used to be, then the Village to see where all the folkies were . . . In Lesson 32 of the 101 Series we […]

101 Series Lesson 31: The Replacements
Hello, students. Welcome back from your vacation. Today we listen to the music of one of the great pioneering bands of alternative rock who never got the respect they deserve, nearly banned by CBGB’s, were banned on SNL and did everything they could to alienate live audiences: Minnesota’s own The Replacements. Paul, Chris, Slim and […]

101 Series Lesson 30: Mark Lanegan
We here at the Balcony will admit that we spent a large portion of the mid-90s wearing flannel and jeans three sizes too large . . . we kinda looked like Screaming Trees roadies (or the guys who’d sell weed to Soundgarden). In this class session of the 101 Series we sit down for a […]

101 Lesson 29: Balcony En Español
¡Hola, chicos y chicas! Tú amigos at Balcony Radio aren’t afraid of music we don’t fully understand. Even though that usually applies to Brian Eno, today that means a whole different language . . . It’s Lesson 29: Rock En Español. In this episode we hum along for two hours with people we can’t sing along […]